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The trending hashtag "Indonesia Terserah"

In recent years the number of corona-positive patients in Indonesia has continued to increase despite the government establishing  PSBB  in several regions. However, this is not ignored by some people. The trending hashtag "Indonesia Terserah" had occupied the trending high in Indonesia because many residents ignored the rules made for the common good. ” Based on  The Jakarta Post  The Health Ministry announced 703 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday, bringing the total number of infections nationwide to 29,521. Speaking at a press conference on Friday, the ministry’s disease control and prevention director-general, Achmad Yurianto, added that 49 more people had died of the disease, bringing the death toll to 1,770. Besides that, Based on  Banjarmasin.tribunnews  it is also believed to have been born due to the disappointment of medical personnel who saw residents still underestimating the virus corona pandemic.   The first case is at the first Mc...
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Hedging in academic writing

Hello everyone! I would like to share my writing assignment (practice and use "hedging") on my blog. Hope you enjoyed it, guys ;) Phobia Obedience will be something that everyone has. But when the fear is excessive and continuous, it may be said that it is a phobia. The word phobia is familiar in today's society. Phobia itself is a kind of anxiety disorder that causes a person to have excessive fear continuously, unrealistic about an object, animal, or situation. This condition greatly affects the ability to work or socialize someone normally. Someone who has a phobia will tend to avoid things that make him feel scared and threatened. Most phobias begin when a child experiences puberty, but phobias such as animals, blood, seawater and so on begin in childhood from the age of 5 to 9 years and tend to last briefly. Unlike in adults, this condition tends to be difficult to cure and can even last for years. In general, phobias are classified into 4 broad catego...


Ketakuatan akan suatu hal sudah pasti di miliki oleh setiap orang. Namun ketika rasa takut itu sudah berlebihan dan terus menerus maka bisa dikatakan itu adalah phobia. Kata phobia sudah tidak asing lagi di kalangan masyarakat sekarang. Phobia sendiri adalah semacam gangguan kecemasan yang menyebabkan seseorang memiliki rasa takut yang berlebihan secara terus menerus, tidak realistis terhadap suatu objek, hewan, ataupun situasi. Kondisi ini sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan bekerja ataupun bersosialisasi seseorang secara normal. Seseorang yang memiliki phobia akan cenderung menghindari hal yang membuat nya merasa takut dan terancam. Kebanyakan phobia dimulai ketika seorang anak mengalami pubertas, akan tetapi phobia seperti kepada hewan, darah, air laut dan sebagainya dimulai sejak masa kanak-kanak sejak rentang usia 5 sampai 9 tahun, dan cenderung berlangsung sebentar. Berbeda pada orang dewasa, kondisi seperti ini cenderung susah disembuhkan bahkan bisa berlangsung selama bertahun-tah...

Indonesian Food As A Healthy Alternative When Covid 19 Quarantine

Indonesian Food As A Healthy Alternative When Covid 19 Quarantine In the midst of the current corona virus outbreak, many people deliberately carry out independent quarantine in their homes and provide a lot of food. They deliberately buy up frozen food to minimize physical contact with many people such as the market or other shopping places. Food that is common in people's assaults is fast food or frozen foods such as frozen meatballs, sausages, instant noodles, nuggets, canned foods etc. even though there are many Indonesian dishes that can last a long time during quarantine. Rendang can be added to the list of durable masks. This typical food is widely known by the world. Apart from its delicious taste, this food can be frozen right so it can last a long time. Traditionally, the rendang was originally made as a food supply for pilgrims who made the long journey from Indonesia to Mecca. Rendang is preserved in a good way can be a food supply during quarantine. ...

Makanan sehat karantina Covid 19

Makanan Indonesia Sebagai Alternatif Sehat Saat Karantina Covid 19 Di tengah mewabahnya virus corona saat ini, banyak orang yang sengaja melakukan karantina mandiri di rumah mereka masing-masing dan menyediakan banyak bahan makanan. Mereka sengaja memborong makanan beku untuk meminimalisir kontak fisik dengan orang banyak seperti dipasar atau tempat perbelanjaan lain nya. Makanan yang biasa di serbu orang adalah makanan siap saji ataupun makanan beku seperti bakso beku, sosis, mi instan, nugget, makanan kaleng dll. Padahal banyak sekali masakan indonesia yang dapat bertahan lama sebagai persediaan selama masa karantina. Rendang bisa di masukan ke dalam list maskaan yang tahan lama. Makanan khas ini sudah banyak di kenal oleh dunia. Selain karena rasanya yang nikmat, makanan ini pun bisa dibeku kan sehingga dapat bertahan lama. Secara tradisional pada awalnya rendang ini dibuat sebagai persediaan makanan bagi para peziarah yang melakukan perjalanan panjang dari Indonesia ke M...

Corona and The World Today

The world is currently horrendous with the presence of a dangerous virus, the corona virus. The virus is a large family of viruses that can attack humans and animals. Corona virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death.Until now thousands of people have tested positive for the Corona virus. This virus can attack anyone, whether infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. The first virus infection was found in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2018 then. This virus is transmitted very quickly and has even reached Indonesia. Actually what are the symptoms that arise when we are infected with this terrible virus?Covid 19 symptoms are generally in the form of fever 38 degrees Celsius, dry cough, and shortness of breath. when you are out traveling and 14 days after experiencin...

My writing experience

Writing is a pleasure for some people. Because writing is another way of expressing a feeling. Writing can make someone think more creative and innovative. Quite often the bright ideas of the nation's children are born from the writings they make. Advances in technology have also greatly helped writers to develop their written works. As we can see and feel at this time, a lot of writings are posted on the internet, be it poetry works, scientific papers, material explanations and many other writings. Technological developments also gave me the opportunity to try to write and share the results of the writing that I made as it is today. And also a lot of positive things we can get from the habit of writing itself. Writing makes me have a space to tell how I feel. My first experience in writing was when I was in elementary school. Binder was my writing media at that time. In his day the binder was interesting and he was a must have for girls my age at that time. And that's...