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Hedging in academic writing

Hello everyone! I would like to share my writing assignment (practice and use "hedging") on my blog. Hope you enjoyed it, guys ;)


Obedience will be something that everyone has. But when the fear is excessive and continuous, it may be said that it is a phobia. The word phobia is familiar in today's society. Phobia itself is a kind of anxiety disorder that causes a person to have excessive fear continuously, unrealistic about an object, animal, or situation. This condition greatly affects the ability to work or socialize someone normally. Someone who has a phobia will tend to avoid things that make him feel scared and threatened. Most phobias begin when a child experiences puberty, but phobias such as animals, blood, seawater and so on begin in childhood from the age of 5 to 9 years and tend to last briefly. Unlike in adults, this condition tends to be difficult to cure and can even last for years. In general, phobias are classified into 4 broad categories, namely fear of certain animals, fear of things that smell medical, fear of certain situations, or fear of the natural environment.

The first is the fear of certain animals. In this condition, someone will feel scared or even scream hysterically. Not infrequently it causes excessive reactions such as crying, heart palpitations, sweating, or even fainting. Some names of animal phobias are Arachnophobia (spiders), Ophidiophobia (reptiles), Ailurophobia (cats) and many other types of phobias of other animals. The thing that can be done when the animal phobia when it can not be avoided is to immediately close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale slowly repeat several times until you feel calm, drink a glass of water, and think positively that everything will be alright.

Next is the fear of things that smell medical. The condition experienced by someone who has a phobia is the same as another phobia. He will feel scared, anxious, sweating, pounding, and others. Some of the names of phobias for medical things are Latrophobia (fear of doctors), Nosophobia (reluctant to read articles about illness), Mysophobia (worry about the cleanliness of all surfaces of objects), Heamatophia (blood) and many others.

Next is the phobia of certain situations. This fear often occurs marked by physiological changes such as sweating, trembling, dizziness, and palpitations. Here are the types, namely Agoraphobia (fear in the open), social phobia (fear of meeting people) and typical phobias (fear of certain situations or objects such as height).

What we can do when the phobia is very disturbing our activities is to consult with a psychologist or psychiatrist. This phobia treatment itself aims to improve the quality of life and help patients to control their feelings, thoughts, and reactions that can trigger phobias. Here are some treatment methods that can be done, namely psychotherapy, medication, self-help programs and the most important is to share stories with friends or relatives and change the mindset to be more positive about the things feared so far objectively.

-Thank you-


  1. Hi yuland, that is a good writing and a good topic. You use "hedging" so well. Keep it up girl!

  2. Hi Yulan.. This is a good writing!
    Thank you for your information about phobia. You use hedging so well. But, in the next post, I hope you more careful about punctuation yulan.. Stay healthy girl 💜

  3. Assalamualaikum Yulan ,i think great essay ,your topic very interesting and the use of hedging , but pay attention to the grammar,keep spirit 😊

  4. Hi yulaan, you did a great job with this essay.
    Juat make sure avout your grammar and also you need to give some space befor you start your paragraph yulan
    Keep it up girl

  5. Hi novia you essay has good topic. Keep writing Novia ❤❤

  6. Hai Yolanda
    What a good essay!
    Keep it up!

    Jan lupa mampir juga ke blog aku yee... @sharizan28

  7. Wow yulan. I think it is an interesting essay. Then you use hedging very good. Fighting 😁

  8. well don yulan. how educate this article

  9. Hi yulan, actually this is my first time to visit your blog, what a good writing to welcome me.
    Anyway, to increase your blog, It's better if you emphasize the indention. Next, please pay attention in your punctuation.

    Overall, this is so good. Keep writing yulan!!🌸


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