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The trending hashtag "Indonesia Terserah"

In recent years the number of corona-positive patients in Indonesia has continued to increase despite the government establishing PSBB in several regions. However, this is not ignored by some people. The trending hashtag "Indonesia Terserah" had occupied the trending high in Indonesia because many residents ignored the rules made for the common good. ” Based on The Jakarta Post The Health Ministry announced 703 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday, bringing the total number of infections nationwide to 29,521. Speaking at a press conference on Friday, the ministry’s disease control and prevention director-general, Achmad Yurianto, added that 49 more people had died of the disease, bringing the death toll to 1,770. Besides that, Based on Banjarmasin.tribunnews it is also believed to have been born due to the disappointment of medical personnel who saw residents still underestimating the virus corona pandemic.


The first case is at the first McDonald's who held the closing ceremony in Indonesia after 30th years of operation. On Sunday (05/10/2020) night, so many people visited. There is already a regulation in Pergub 41 of 2020 McD Sarinah in a fine of 10 million. According to The Jakarta Post article “We summoned the management staff of the restaurant [on Thursday] and they cooperatively admitted their omission,” Jakarta Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) head Arifin said. Videos and pictures from the meeting at Mcd Sarinah circulated on social media, sparking criticism and concern about the possibility of a new COVID-19 transmission cluster.


The second is the crowd that occurred in the Tanah Abang. Based on the video circulating, the market is crowded by buyers and sellers. “The crowds in Tanah Abang only lasted [for a few hours],” Arifin told The Jakarta Post on Monday. Although it’s only lasted a short time, of course, it can trigger the transfer and transmission of the virus. “Satpol PP personnel have closely guarded the area, but several vendors must have resumed their businesses when the personnel was on a break,” he added. Based on these cases, we can see that awareness of the dangers of this virus in the community is still very lacking.


The last case is there are still many people who roam without using masks and ignoring commands for social distancing. As we know that this violates the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) regulations. Besides the use of masks is also important because it can prevent transmission of the virus directly. Based on The Jakarta Post quoted “The regulation aims to enforce more discipline among the public in practicing physical distancing. All of us, not just some, must work together in preventing the transmission,” Anies said on Tuesday.


In conclusion, the level of awareness of the Indonesian people are still very low. There are still many people who don't care even ignoring government regulations. Even though it has been shown that this virus is very dangerous. “Criminal charges, especially those carrying prison terms, should only be used as a last resort. Punishments for PSBB violators should be in line with COVID-19 prevention measures. With the increasing number of patients and the and sanctions in place, we should be aware and can comply with government regulations. Because by obeying the rules of physical distancing and using masks we can reduce the spread of viruses and help medical workers who work in the frontline. It is hoped that all Indonesian people will begin to realize how important social distancing is so that our country can recover quickly and be able to carry out activities as usual.

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  1. Hi Yulan. It's a good essay 👍👍

  2. You nailed it! What a good essay. Keep it up! Stay safe and healthy:). Anyway, to increased your essay, I think you need to pay attention in your thesis statement. Then actually this is an interesting topic!!

  3. Hi Yulan ,great essay ,your topic interesting to read ,but you need pay attention such as grammar , structure,etc. Keep writing ☺️

  4. Hi yulan. That's interesting topic. I agree about your writing. But, please make sure about your grammatical errors baby, and don't forget to check your thesis statement again. Keep it up girl !


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