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My writing experience

Writing is a pleasure for some people. Because writing is another way of expressing a feeling. Writing can make someone think more creative and innovative. Quite often the bright ideas of the nation's children are born from the writings they make. Advances in technology have also greatly helped writers to develop their written works. As we can see and feel at this time, a lot of writings are posted on the internet, be it poetry works, scientific papers, material explanations and many other writings. Technological developments also gave me the opportunity to try to write and share the results of the writing that I made as it is today. And also a lot of positive things we can get from the habit of writing itself.

Writing makes me have a space to tell how I feel. My first experience in writing was when I was in elementary school. Binder was my writing media at that time. In his day the binder was interesting and he was a must have for girls my age at that time. And that's when I first wrote poetry. Writing became very pleasant for me at that time. Before going to sleep, I always write a poem or even write a diary. Since that time I love to write and continue to this day.

Writing also means making a bridge of communication for yourself and others. Also as a medium to convey what we want, spread what we think, and invite others to think and develop. By writing means we can also help someone face or solve the same problem that the author is facing. There are so many new things that we can get from other people's writing. Like it when I was just learning to write a paragraph or even write an essay. I always look for information about how to write good and right. And how is it so that what we write is quality and easily understood by others. Writing can also be someone's da'wah media without having to plunge directly into the da'wah object. Sharing our knowledge in different ways and with interesting media.

Writing can be said easily tricky. Easy for those who are used to and have become their daily work. The more a person reads, the more ideas he can convey in his writing. By often practicing in writing the vocabulary is even richer. The work he produced was even more contained and of high quality. It's a bit difficult for beginners, but there is no harm in trying from simple things like writing articles that contain facts or opinions about an issue that is being talked about on social media. Or just discuss things that are general and easy to understand by others.

And there are many more positive things that we can get from the habit of writing itself. Besides being beneficial to us, it can also be useful for others. Be productive and can help others by sharing the knowledge we know. That is all I can say I will close this article with a quote that was delivered by Pramoedya Ananta Toer "People can be as smart as the sky, but as long as they do not write it will disappear in society and history.


  1. Hi friend,i like your topic today

  2. Hi Yulan.. The good experience, but you more be careful for your conjunction, grammatical errors and punctuation. Please check it again yulan. Keep writing

  3. Hello yulan...
    Your writing is good. But, I don't understand your thesis statement. You use the word 'and ' which means to connect it to technology so your thesis statement consists of two sentences. In my opinion, you can delete the first part. Yeah, you only use the last sentence to your thesis statement.

  4. Hello yulanda,i think good paragraf ,but some mistake .For example indent

  5. Hello yulanda,i think good paragraf ,but some mistake .For example indent


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